- 1. Jakarta - Cikampek
- 2. Jakarta-Cikampek II Elevated11
- 3. Palimanan - Kanci
- 4. Batang - Semarang
- 5. Semarang Seksi A,B,C
- 6. Semarang - Solo
- 7. Solo - Ngawi
- 8. Ngawi - Kertosono - Kediri
- 9. Surabaya - Mojokerto
- 10. Surabaya - Gempol
- 11. Gempol - Pasuruan
- 12. Gempol - Pandaan
- 13. Pandaan - Malang
Jakarta - Cikampek
This Toll Road was built as an alternative route from Jakarta to Karawang, Cikampek and Bandung and the Trans Java Toll Road because the existing Jakarta-Cikampek Toll Road has reached its optimal capacity. It is hoped that this Toll Road can improve mobility and logistics from the Jakarta area to the east and boost the economy. Testing
Rest Area